Week 5: Electoral College=Aryans?

I spelled Gandhi right today. “Puts down armed violence and turns 100% electronic, Gandhian.” Never will I mess up on that ever again. And NOOSPHERIC! :] I'm glad I spelled this one wrong before. Makes the meaning more memorable in my mind. And I like the meaning. Even though its definition is the blurry kind. My favorite! I love stuff where you can imagine it in your head and you can even almost feel, but can't really explain in words.

I asked Professor Dominguez a question in class, and I actually understood the answer. I have a hard time understanding something when it’s spoken to me. I usually have to read it over and over and imagine images in my head. It was difficult for me to understand how the Zapatistas “ripped through the electronic fabric” without computers and how in the world they “put down armed violence and turned 100% electronic.” (I’m quoting my own written notes right now.) Then I realized that I was thinking in a purely A-to-B kind of top-down logical mindset. I learned about bottom-up structures and swarming before, and when Professor Dominguez mentioned the word swarming I started to see it from that point of view and it started to make sense.

Samuel Huntington. What a shitface.

When I imagine the electoral college,
I see a bunch of blonde and very pale superhumans.

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